
Trevor Ariza Traded to New Orleans, Houston Get Courtney Lee

Houston Rockets completed a NBA blockbuster on Wednesday with four teams and five players getting involved. They signed the Courtney Lee, meanwhile traded Trevor Ariza to New Orleans Hornets.

The deal also sends Hornets point guard Darren Collison and forward James Posey to Pacers; Pacers sends Troy Murphy to the New Jersey Nets. The four teams seek what they need in th this deal, some looking for long term reconstruction while some for money. It’s four-win deal.

The Rockets signed Ariza (#1 Rockets jerseys) to a five-year, $35 million contract a year ago. The Rockets acquired guard Kevin Martin in addition to Shane Battier, Jordan Hill, Chase Buddinger, making Ariza, and his contract, unnecessary. Trading him should help them to dump salary and avoid paying a substantial luxury-tax bill this season. They also received a $6 million trade exception in the deal.


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