
The Seven-time NBA All-Star Willing to Take Veteran’s Minimum

After been passing on signing, Tracy McGrady has reached on a 1-year, $1.3 million contract with Detroit Piston. This contract marks an end of continue workout to get a jobm this summer and set a star of new role, players on the bench.

After impressing Pistons president Joe Dumars, head coach John Kuester and the Detroit training staff in a workout late last week, the Pistons became more serious about signing the free-agent forward. The Pistons had conversations with agent Arnold Tellem and came to terms, which was considered as a win-win dill. For Pistons side, it would be a low-risk, high-reward proposition.

McGrady, 31, a full year removed from microfracture surgery on his left knee, will play for the NBA’s veteran’s minimum. After saying all the wrong things and turning off the Chicago Bulls, McGrady sold the Pistons on his willingness to play whatever role asked of him off the Detroit bench.

McGrady will play as part of Pistons rotation of wing players in the new season, which includes Richard Hamilton, Ben Gordon, Austin Daye and Charlie Villanueva. McGrady is determined to prove he can still be a good NBA player though his days as a two-time first-team All-NBA star and a two-time scoring champion are over.


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