
NBA Alternate Jerseys Part1


The Warriors wore old school gold, red, and blue uniforms this year. Golden State fans will take anything over the horrific regulars they wear.

However, these just look like those cheapo retro threads the Cavaliers are throwing out. I am officially sick of retro jerseys.

Jazz's Green and Gold Alternate

It really bugs me that the Utah Jazz have not let go of the nickname Jazz. That makes zero sense folks.

You cannot make it worse by looking like the hardwood version of the Packers and adding the old "New Orleans" font can you?

Apparently you can. If by throwback you mean a middle school looking uniform, than these are right on.

Cavs' Wine Alternate

I really want to refuse to make comment on this one. If you have the best uniforms in sports, you don't ruin it by wearing crappy retro uniforms.

Especially when it's your fourth different retro uniform in two years.

Warriors' Orange Alternate

I heard that the Warriors were going to stop wearing these jerseys, however I kind of preferred them over their current navy blue uniforms.

They have the most atrocious color scheme known to man, and their execution on the uniforms really kills it. I think it is time they go back to blue and gold, but I guess getting rid of one of their three terrible jerseys is a start.

Clippers' Blue Alternate

Seriously, does anyone care for the Clippers uniforms?

These look like someone took the Lakers' throwbacks and threw some red on them.

Hand me downs, I guess that would be fair right? Not only are these boring, but the Clippers entire identity is boring and in need of a re brand. Not to mention the fact their logo is way too similar to the Lakers.

Bucks' Red Alternate

Seriously Milwaukee?

The Bucks, who already look like the fighting Christmas trees each night, released these strange uniforms.

They combine a modernized script with old school striping. I'm not a fan. I think they need to change to green and gold, which would be original and fall easily into the area's identity (Packers, Marquette).


This article is from: www.jerseysguides.com

Please check for NBA sports jerseys, NBA Jerseys, Lakers jerseys, Celtics Jerseys, Heat


Email/msn: fredprovider@hotmail.com

